Nothing but pure energy! Enemy Within are not here to mess about.
The Brighton based 4 piece have set out on a mission to fill your ears with nothing but heavy crushing riffs, obnoxiously aggressive vocals and hard-hitting beats!
Enemy Within brings a unique twist on ‘Hard Rock’ taking influence from the electronic sounds of Nova Twins, The Prodigy and Enter Shikari to the fierce, hardcore tones of Stray From The Path, While She Sleeps and Bring Me The Horizon.
There is an overwhelming feeling of nostalgia running through the musical veins of the south-coast foursome. A subtle nod to the rock pioneers of the early 2000’s can be felt throughout as Enemy Within pays homage to the sounds of Linkin Park, System Of A Down, Korn & Slipknot.
Enemy Within are holding nothing back with their debut single ‘Bed Of Lies’.
The track explodes from the very start with a drum and bass beat, heavy guitars and hostile vocals.
The track shares a personal tale of mistrust as frontman Howard Kaye wears his angry heart on his sleeve for all to hear.
Howard says ‘’I have absolutely no issues with airing my dirty laundry and outing people through our music. I just hope that the people I wrote these songs about get to hear them. No-one is safe.’’